About Me

Jasmine Stephenson

I’m a second year illustration student living in a coastal village in East Yorkshire. I was lucky enough to spend my childhood surrounded by beaches and nature reserves and this is where most of the inspiration for my illustration comes from. I aim to capture the beauty of nature and hope to inspire young children to spend more time outside – where there are many things to see and many adventures to be had.

What i’m up to…

I have been experimenting with balancing both traditional and digital illustration but recently I realised that the joy I get from creating illustrations almost always happens when a paintbrush or a pencil is in my hand – so I’m now focusing on working this way. I work with acrylic, watercolour and pastel pencils on various types of paper and also have been experimenting with collage.

I spend my days studying, painting or writing at my desk, or when the UK weather allows, I always prefer working outside. I’m currently writing and illustrating my own children’s book while also being lucky enough to work on numerous other book projects. I am currently seeking representation and am working on developing a portfolio every few months to submit to agency’s.

Contact me

If you are interested in working with me I would love to hear from you!


Follow me on instagram here:


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